Friday 28 March 2014

Casting Call for "Desperately Seeking Something" at Toronto Fringe 2014

Desperately Seeking Something is a site specific show written by Nellwyn Lampert and directed by Darwin Lyons; performed at Trinity Saint Paul’s Church at Spadina and Bloor as part of the 2014 Toronto Fringe Festival. Due to the site specific nature actors must be comfortable working in non-traditional venues. 

To submit:
Please send headshot and resume to: by 5pm Saturday April 5th.

The auditions will take place April 6th and 7th with call backs on April 10th.  Please indicate your availability on these days. 

Please indicate role preference in your e-mail. (see character descriptions below)

Desperately Seeking Something can engage Equity and Non Equity members for this project, and will operate on a profit share model.  Actors must be available to rehearse part-time throughout April, May and June 2014. Toronto Fringe runs from July 2-13 2014; exact show dates and times TBD.

About the play:
Desperately Seeking Something explores Generation Y’s search for community and purpose. In a world where the individual is the highest on the food chain, do people still crave a larger community? Annie thinks so. Annie is so lost in her post secondary, service industry, consumerism haze that she’s decided to become a nun. Seriously. She’s serious about it. She’s so serious she’s left her apartment, camped out in a church and is figuring out how to become a nun. Unfortunately, her ex-boyfriend Jake is still listed as her emergency contact and he comes looking for her. What unfolds is a touching journey where Jake and Annie challenge each other to figure out what went wrong, and what they want. The couple are observed by three Greek Gods: Persephone, Hades, and Artemis. The Gods use the couple’s search for a place in this world to revive their heyday, a time when they had the most important position in the world.  Desperately Seeking Something asks the ever present question: now that young people can choose whatever life path they want, how do they possibly decide?

Character Descriptions:
Annie:  22-27.  Female.  Any Ethnicity.  Annie is an intelligent, artistic 20-something who just happens to be very confused about what she wants in life.  She jumps into each new plan with her whole heart, she just changes her plan every five minutes.  At her core she is searching for the meaning of her life, which is a wide open book. 

Jake:  23-28.  Male.  Any Ethnicity.  Jake wants to be a writer, but he’s stuck in a software job.  Shocked that his ex-girlfriend would choose to become a nun (let’s be real that’s a little offensive… for obvious reasons…) Jake comes to wake Annie up, but her new path forces him to look at his own life with harsher eyes.  

Persephone: 17-25 or ageless.   Female.  Any Ethnicity. The epitome of youth and joy, this Greek Goddess was stolen from her mother by Hades.  A ghost in our current world, Persephone is desperate to share some new perspectives to share on her mythical past.      

Hades: 25-35 or ageless.  Male.  Any Ethnicity.  Hades is the God of the Underworld.  You know him as having a three headed dog and riding the River Styx.  He remembers wielding definitive power over mortals.  But who he is now is still to be decided.

Artemis: 25-35 or ageless.  Female.  Any Ethnicity.  Artemis is the Goddess of the Hunt, of Animals, and of Childbirth.  However, most people in our world are so removed from those aspects of life no one seems to pray to her anymore.  Stuck with her half sister Persephone, and her brother in law Hades in this United Church, Artemis looks to regain her former glory and fit into the 21st century.      

We thank everyone in advance for their submissions, but only those selected to audition will be contacted. 

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